Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Resolutions!: 31 December 2019

Last day of the year and with getting ready for a party in the evening I didn't get to do any hobby stuff - but I did make a resolution! I've been running a 40K RPG on Wednesdays and the game has been canceled more often than I or the players would like - most often because one person can't make it, and I've been running the game as "group of protagonists" rather than "ensemble".

A couple of players expressed frustration and considered dropping out. So, we all had a good discussion, serious words were said to some players, and I made a resolution - in 2020, every Wednesday night (unless I absolutely can't make it!) there will be some sort of game in my basement. It might just be me mashing models together and doing the voices, but there will be a game.

I have spoken. This is the way.

=][= Danforth Laertes

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