Monday, March 6, 2023

Miniature Golf

I am honestly not sure how to score this right now . . .

Purchased Miniatures:

  • 10x Stormcast (for Custodians)
  • 5x Kharadron Overlords (for Aethermin)
  • 1x Drycha and 1x Hive Tyrant (for Damia Genewitch)
  • 4x RH1N0s (to finish Blood Angels)
  • 10x Marine Scouts (to finish Blood Angels)

Total purchase: 31 models

Purchased miniatures which haven't yet arrived . . . ? How do I count them? If they arrive before the 20th I guess I have to count them in here, but . . .

Anyway - Strikeforce Agastus +17 models

Painted Miniatures (so far):

  • 5x Brotherhood of the Wolf
  • 23x Blood Angels
  • 1x Haalis
Total painted: 29 models

But wait! I have painted five pillar boxes! Are these miniatures? They are terrain, but they are metal castings and are on bases.

-5 for post boxes?

Sold models:
  • 40 Ashigaru
Current score . . . ?

Conservative, orthodox rules +2

Counting models not yet arrived +19

Counting sold models -21

Counting painted post boxes -26

So, my score can range anywhere from +19 to -26 ... or even lower, if I don't count models that haven't arrived yet. The pillar boxes were simple - but they were painted and completed so they aren't in the pile of shame, the Ashigaru weren't going to be used but they aren't in the pile of shame either now.

I think the fairest thing to do might be to just finish a couple more "real" models so my orthodox score is 0 and count the Ashigaru against Agastus so it is a wash?

It's only a game :)

=][= Danforth Laertes

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