Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 In Review!

And here is the year in review! For December, of course, I completed the Khorne temple for #Decemberrain but the pictures above show all the challenges I completed this year. As for my manifesto... well, I painted almost every day; I bought less than I might have done (but still bought a lot), tried new things, and did participate in every challenge.

For 2023? Well, I think "every challenge" remains a good goal, as does "something each day". Not buying things is difficult and it is comforting to buy things (but, I will continue to resist FOMO!)

One thing I think I want to do for 2023 is have my challenges be something I am finishing off. So, not a new thing - something that has languished part-completed.

Here is to 2023!

=][= Danforth Laertes


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