Monday, February 28, 2022

February 2022 Roundup!

So how did I do in February?

1) I participated in the February challenge - #Squaduary - and I completed the #10in24 challenge too!

2) I bought no new models except ones to complete a project (Hospitaler for my ambulance) or limited-edition (Fafnir Rann and Zephon; assuming Black Library models are limited-edition)!

3) I tried a new thing - a wet palette!

4) I did something every day!

February was a success. Overall, it is not exactly clear how many models I completed - I have 20 Necrons that I haven't varnished yet (I need to give the woodstain a good long time to dry) so are they completed? And I bought models too, so that should count against it? I guess I should make a decision...

I think I will say that not being varnished doesn't count against a model being finished. And I will say that a model (or element) purchased for a project doesn't count unless it is going to add to the number of models in the project - the ambulance will be "one vehicle model" and the crew won't be counted separately.

So! I painted 20 Necrons and 3 Blood Angels, and bought two figures - net painting of 21 figures for February!

=][= Danforth Laertes

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