Monday, February 28, 2022

February 2022 Roundup!

So how did I do in February?

1) I participated in the February challenge - #Squaduary - and I completed the #10in24 challenge too!

2) I bought no new models except ones to complete a project (Hospitaler for my ambulance) or limited-edition (Fafnir Rann and Zephon; assuming Black Library models are limited-edition)!

3) I tried a new thing - a wet palette!

4) I did something every day!

February was a success. Overall, it is not exactly clear how many models I completed - I have 20 Necrons that I haven't varnished yet (I need to give the woodstain a good long time to dry) so are they completed? And I bought models too, so that should count against it? I guess I should make a decision...

I think I will say that not being varnished doesn't count against a model being finished. And I will say that a model (or element) purchased for a project doesn't count unless it is going to add to the number of models in the project - the ambulance will be "one vehicle model" and the crew won't be counted separately.

So! I painted 20 Necrons and 3 Blood Angels, and bought two figures - net painting of 21 figures for February!

=][= Danforth Laertes

February 28th 2022: Blood Angels Veterans

Did a bit of work on the Blood Angels vets. Didn't get them finished, but they are coming along.

=][= Danforth Laertes

Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 27th 2022: Necrons & NEW THING Wet Palette!

Another 10 spoopy doot doot bots completed this weekend - picture above is before they have the final basing touches applied but, trust me, they are done now. 20 models done in a weekend! That's got to be some sort of record ... for me, at least. Maybe I painted my first Blood Angels army in less time as I had to get it done in a day for the mini tournament at GW HQ when I was finishing my probation period as a red shirt. Ah, youth . . . 

What they didn't have when I was a youth was a wet palette which I tried today as my new thing!

It is very simple to use, and it seems to work just as described. I put paint on it and it stayed appropriately wet without drying out. All in all, very good.

=][= Danforth Laertes


Saturday, February 26, 2022

February 26th 2022: #10in24 Necrons

Awwwwwww yissss, spoopy boys! Doot doot!

Well, that is #10in24 and #squaduary definitely completed - a unit of 10 models done in a day. I currently have another unit of 10 Necrons sitting at the "woodstain drying" stage, so I might be able to complete another 20 models before the end of the month ... which would make my total completed models pretty impressive!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25th 2022: #10in24 Necron Warriors

#10in24 begins! The idea is to take a squad of ten models from sprues to finished in 24 hours. Officially, I started around 6PM on Friday night. But ... full disclosure .... I had already assembled 10 x Necron warriors and primed them in silver before I started at 6PM today - I'd had them assembled for a while and I primed them this morning.

I was worried I wouldn't have time with the vagaries of life to get it done - especially with drying time for the various technique choices I was making. So, I started with assembled and primed models and I have got them to base colors and then washed them with the (interminably long to dry) wood stain.

BUT! I have now managed to assemble ten other Necrons in a very short period of time, and I've got some spray on them (picture not shown) so they are at the same stage the original ones were, so I am achieving the same amount of work but am still technically cheating because I am a rebel without a clue (without a clue as to how long it will take me to paint something....)

=][= Danforth Laertes

Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24th 2022: Transfers!

I put on 16 transfers on the shoulders of the remaining Blood Angels Veterans. I don't have pictures, because they are just transfers - but I did manage to put all of them on without messing any up!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 23rd 2022: Outremarin Background

I wrote up a rather cool (if I do say so myself) location for the background of Outremer, La Pierre. It will be the setting for the next session of the 40K RPG.

=][= Danforth Laertes

Monday, February 21, 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 20th 2022: Blood Angels Veterans

Finished a couple of figures (finally!) Blood Angels Veterans toting flamers. I am now on three completed models for the year ... although I did order Fafnir Rann and Zephon (perhaps limited edition - justified!) over the weekend, and I previously purchased a Sororitas Hospitaler (to complete a project - justified!) so I am on a net of either zero or minus one models (depending on how you count the Hospitaler).

=][= Danforth Laertes

Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 19th 2022: Blood Angels Veterans

Finally doing some real work on #Squaduary - I have two squads of 6 Blood Angels Veterans to finish, and I finally have some black paint!

=][= Danforth Laertes


Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18th 2022: RPG!

 The Sangreal RPG game kicked off with a test of the combat and gridded movement system, which worked well and a good time was had by all!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17th 2022: Templar Brethren

Templar Brethren complete! I had to hack up and convert a couple of left arms to be holding a single handed weapon (some converted from cradling left arms, other converted from right arms).

With the exception of Fafnir Rann, that is every model with its basic assembly done!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16th 2022: Templar Brethren

Templar Brethren, now! Although simple figures, they require attention because i) swords get bent and need straightening and ii) I didn't have enough correctly-posed left arms....

=][= Danforth Laertes

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022

February 13th & 14th: Imperial Fists and World Anvil

 I carried on with the conversions of the Imperial Fist shieldy bois - fiddly, annoying, but standard-looking figures. But I also worked on Outremer and especially added the Brotherhood of the Wolf and the Damia. This will be more than background for my army - it will become the setting for my newest RPG and so I need a detailed "sandbox" to play in!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 9th, 10th, 12th 2022: Templar Brethren

ForgeWorld Templar Brethren being assembled - complexity and so forth because they are resin and whatnot. There was a break on Friday for RPG - but other than that it was just the slow assembly of models.

=][= Danforth Laertes

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8th 2022: Sigismund the 3d-printed Emperor's Champion

It's ya boi Siggy! The last thing I printed before I ran out of latex gloves (full disclosure, the last pair fell apart while I was using them so I got resin all over my hands - I'm probably going to to die now) and resin and alcohol and the printer got cleaned and put away. A great little model of Sigismund based on the Forgeworld one (except with a helmet - baldy-boi Siggy never did it for me). I took it off the plate and glued it up.

I also slammed out the background for the Brotherhood of the Wolf after I saw the Slaves to Darkness models being converted into Fallen and I thought it aesthetic was really cool. It is a great temptation to not just buy some Slaves to Darkness models and start! But I must be strong!

2023 though . . . . so many models on January 1st.

=][= Danforth Laertes

Monday, February 7, 2022

February 7th 2022: Shieldy Boy

 I assembled another shieldy boi for the Imperial Fists - they take quite a while to set the arms right and put the axe in place! No picture, because he is basically the same as others.

=][= Danforth Laertes

Saturday, February 5, 2022

February 5th 2022: Shieldy-bois and a Huscarl

 Several of these shieldy bois - who are going to represent Fafnir Rann's personal guard with axes and shields - I'd assembled before, but I did a couple more. They are kneeling, pushing the gun through the hole in the shield, and with their axe held behind it. Lots of fiddly conversion!

Also shown is one of Rogal Dorn's Huscarls - based on Marneus Calgar's bodyguard with 3d-printed Mark III legs and Mark III power pack (and a swapped shield) he looks suitably in-keeping with the rest of the Mark III models but also advanced as a Primarch's bodyguard should be!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Friday, February 4, 2022

February 3rd & 4th 2022: Imperial Fist Lion's Gate Defenders


Alas! No black paint! It will be arriving soon. So, I cannot continue with my Blood Angels for #Squaduary so I pulled out some models and assembled them. These are Mk III components, as the stoic defensiveness of that Mark seemed suitable for the project I bought them for - a small army representing the defenders of the Lion's Gate space port at the climax of the novel "The First Wall". These figures are more complex than others and so require some pre-assembly, which is what I did for a couple of day's hobby!

=][= Danforth Laertes

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February 1st 2022: Outremarin Bodyguards

These guys have a name in Gothique but I forget what it is. Les Guardes du Corps or something like that. Whatever - bodyguards. They are based on the Stormcast Spear-dudes (again, they have some kind of fancy name probably beginning with an I and sounding confusingly like all the other units) and these are the last two models of two boxes' worth of Dominion figures converted to Space Marines.

It is the February challenge of #Squaduary!

=][= Danforth Laertes