Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 17th & 18th 2022: "The White Knight"


Well, it didn't take long before I pulled the Gundam apart and started changing it up! The T'au are clearly heavily inspired by Japanese themes, including Gundams, and turning a Gundam into a T'au-inspired Imperial Knight was not beyond possibility. As part of the Outremer background, I developed The White Knight and wanted to represent it as a combination of T'au and Imperial technology. So... some 3d printed parts from a Riptide, some hooves from a He-Man toy, some Armiger pieces and it's starting to come together.

I began doing most of the work on the torso - I disassembled it and painted some pieces. I want to preserve the bare-plastic colors of the Gundam as much as possible, so I didn't just prime the thing and start over. Instead, I carefully chose pieces to paint and - if I needed to paint a component just partially - I primed it with some matte varnish to give a bit of tooth for the paint.

Some final pieces are running on the printer right now, and I have an eBay order for a powerplant from a Redemptor Dreadnought which should let me assemble it all up!

=][= Danforth Laertes

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