Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sanguinius: 8 September 2019

I primed Sanguinius and got some basecoats down. The base and daemon I primed black, Sanguinius himself red and the wings and his head white. I laid down a rattlecan coat of gold (traditionally, you use a red base when gilding and I rather like the way it gives reddish shadows for Blood Angels) and then got painting.

The wings got a watered-down mix of Talasar Blue (a Constrast paint) and some Vallejo London Grey. The daemon was drybrushed up from a base of reddish-brown to an orange and the metal picked out with gunmetal thinned with brown wash. Sanguinius got his cloak lined in dark red and then the whole model washed with earthshade - the photo looks washed out, but the end result is lovely for just two colors - all the detail is picked out and I don't want to touch anything else on it!

=][= Danforth Laertes

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