Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sanguinius: 4 & 5 September 2019

"If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you back."

I bought this model just before I moved house - literally, the box arrived the day after I'd packed up all my hobby stuff. That was deliberate - not the arrival of the box, but the following its tracking and making sure I was packed the day before so I wouldn't be able to work on it and it would be a reward for getting my hobby space set up.

I was working on scenery for a while, trying to get the table filled, and I wanted to get my hand back in before working on what is - absolutely - the model we've been waiting for for thirty years.

So, here it is! And I can't leave well-enough alone - many people have complained about the rock outcropping supporting him, and I never liked the way he had his hand on the daemon's horn. Obviously, the combat pose between him and the daemon is based on Catholic art of Michael vs Satan, and in virtually every single one of those Michael has his foot on Satan's head.

The conversion is minimal and easy - I cut Sanguinius away from the column and repositioned his foot to change the angle, as well as trim his hand from the daemon's horn. I also gave him a shield, because I just like the way it looks (even if it's neither canon nor appearing in most of the St Michael images!)

The model is very well-sculpted and well-cast; it goes together very nicely (I will have to do minimal, if any, filling).

=][= Danforth Laertes

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