Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sister of Battle Sniper: 23 January 2018

Well, all the pieces for this one were on the sprues or kicking about in the bitz box when I started this evening (okay, full disclosure - I'd assembled the Anvil Industries sniper rifle already except for the scope and magazine . . .)

The model is based on a bit of background for my Order which you can read (together with some editorial about my views on the standard Repentia models) here. She's one of the Geminae Superia from the plastic Celestine kit converted - it was really fairly easy to get her pose into a standing sniping position.

She is magnetized, so she can be removed - both for painting and to set her on a smaller base. This larger base is supposed to represent the corner of a larger building with the edges representing where the diorama ends rather than what is actually there. You get the idea.

She needs a bit of Green Stuff work and some neatening up, but there she is!

Another day of success!

=][= Danforth Laertes

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