Picture, if you will, the Genestealer Cult doing all their cultish shenanigans and infiltrating every institution they can. When they reveal themselves, they have an army formed of a mishmash of military hardware and civilian industrial equipment, all painted in purple and blue and with red 'Stealer cult icons daubed on the side.
But what if they were a bit more organized? Or they had infiltrated a Knight Household?
Would the cult not want to create a giant "living icon" of their star-gods, the Four-Armed Emperor himself? Would this not strike terror into the hearts of anyone who saw it, filling their trousers with the brown fear?
It would indeed.
This idea struck me while discussing #Dreadtober in the MeWe group chat - the original discussion was a lament about the lack of Dreadnoughts in the 'Stealer Cult list, and then I said a Knight with four arms would be an awesome "living icon". The local GSC / 'Nid player was very excited and - like some kind of brain-worm the thing got in my head and I said I would build it ... and, because I had no need for it and wouldn't paint it in anything like a reasonable amount of time, I said I'd just ship it to him when it was done.
Could I find a use for it - over and above a cool model? Sure, I could. It could be part of the Genestealer Cult in Outremer ... but that Cult isn't powerful enough yet and Antak'ya (where it is based) doesn't actually have a Knightly tradition (its "Knight" is T'au technology in the main whereas the other allied realms have genuine Knightly traditions).
But my online GSC / 'Nid buddy will do good work with it, and he will enjoy it, and I will enjoy making the model (which is what I really love to do!)
Above are the first parts of the project - joining two Knight torsos together to make a longer body with four arm sockets.
=][= Danforth Laertes